555 Telephone Numbers

The telephone number prefix 555 is a central office code in the North American Numbering Plan, used as the leading part of a group of 10,000 telephone numbers, 555-XXXX, in each numbering plan area (NPA)(area code). It has traditionally been used only for the provision of directory assistance, when dialing (area code)-555-1212. The central office code is also used for fictitious telephone numbers in North American television shows, films, video games, and other media in order to prevent practical jokers and curious callers from bothering telephone subscribers and organizations by calling telephone numbers they see in works of fiction. Read More

Why Do Fake Phone Numbers Start With 555?

As soon as an actor in a movie or TV show starts rattling off a phone number, every viewer knows what the first three digits will be: 5-5-5. How did "555" become the convention for fake phone numbers, and are there any real 555 numbers? Let's dial up some answers. Why do TV and movies need the fake 555 numbers? Just ask anyone who had the misfortune of having the number 867-5309 how their life changed after Tommy Tutone's 15 minutes of fame. Apparently some tiny fraction of the population (we're guessing a fraction that largely consists of adolescent boys) thinks it's hilarious to call any number they see on the screen.Read More